The UN General Assembly: Time to Act for Real Security – Alona Lebedieva

This week, the 79th session of the UN General Assembly is being held in New York, where world leaders are discussing the biggest challenges of our time. Ukraine is represented by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, who came to the United States with his wife to participate in this significant event. His speech emphasized an important point: to stop war, “deeds are needed, not words.” This message is timely because the world can no longer afford to hesitate.

The coming weeks will be crucial, as they will show whether the West is ready to move from rhetoric to real action, aimed not just at ensuring that Ukraine does not lose, but at forcing Russia to seek peace,” says owner Alona Lebedieva. Ukrainian multidisciplinary industrial and investment group Aurum Group.

Reforming the Security Council: the key to justice

At the same time, in the speeches of the President of Estonia Alar Karis and the UN Secretary General António Guterres, the need for reforms in the international security system, in particular in the UN Security Council, was emphasized. Karis emphasized the importance of delegitimizing aggression as a management tool and the need to reform the Security Council to respond to modern challenges. For Ukraine, which has been resisting aggression from Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council, for more than two years, this issue is particularly relevant.

A Challenge to Global Institutions: From Words to Action

The Future Summit also adopted the “Future Pact,” a document that outlines countries’ intentions to address global issues, including conflicts, climate change, and reforming international institutions. However, as Karis noted, this is still only a document filled with words and good intentions.

Specific actions and commitments from the states are needed. Without them, the pact will remain just a declaration. I hope the international community will take decisive steps to implement it,” says Lebedieva.

Antonio Guterres also raised the issue of the need to reform international institutions that no longer meet current challenges. He emphasized the obsolescence of the Security Council and the need to reform it in order to adequately respond to modern threats.

The world needs an immediate response to current challenges. Reforming the UN Security Council should be a priority, and the role of the General Assembly should be strengthened to make decisions when the Security Council is paralyzed by the veto. Responsibility mechanisms for countries that abuse their rights in international institutions should also be implemented,” Lebedieva insists.

She also believes that this year’s UN General Assembly once again demonstrated the need for global reforms. Ukraine plays a decisive role in this process, because our example shows how the imperfection of the international security system can lead to tragic consequences.

Together we can change the future and create an effective system that will ensure peace and security for all. If the international community does not move from words to concrete action, we risk an even more unstable world. That is why it is now vital to join forces for real change,” concluded Lebedieva.