On June 15-16, the Global Peace Summit will be held in Bürgenstock, Switzerland. Invitations to participate have been sent to more than 150 countries and international organizations. There, world leaders are looking for ways to achieve peace in Ukraine.
“This conference is just the beginning of a difficult path to peace in Ukraine. Therefore, the maximum that Ukraine will receive so far is the negotiating position agreed by the summit delegates, which will be submitted to the Russian Federation for consideration. No matter how much we want to believe in a miracle, we see that at the moment Russia is not ready to end the war, proposals are increasingly appearing in the media that for the sake of peace it is necessary to give up the territory or freeze the situation, so we should not overestimate this event, we are betting on the future,” said Alona Lebedieva, the owner of the Ukrainian diversified industrial and investment group of companies “Aurum Group”.
Among the items of the peace plan that will be discussed at the summit are the exchange of prisoners, the return of kidnapped Ukrainian children and deported citizens, as well as issues of nuclear and food security, she continues.
“It is very important not to forget that thousands of Ukrainian children are actually in Russian captivity, kidnapped from the occupied territories. They are defenseless, disenfranchised, oppressed there. Their liberation and return home should be one of the priority areas of work. confirmation of the Pope’s participation, I hope for his active mediation,” says Alona Lebedieva.
This summit is an important platform for bringing true information to all corners of the world to counter Russian propaganda.
“That’s why I call on our government officials, diplomats, public organizations, everyone who will be there, to take advantage of the opportunity and remind the world also about the little Ukrainians whom Russia illegally took out of Ukraine and forcibly keeps in its territory, destroying their Ukrainian consciousness and belonging“, she concludes.